Friday, July 8, 2011

Power in Forgiving

On Wednesday, I forgave myself.

Oh, goodness. I feel so free. It hit me that I must forgive myself. D&C 64:10 "I the Lord will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men."

This doesn't say "forgive all men but yourself." It says I am required to forgive everyone.

That means me, too.

So I forgave myself. Or, I guess more accurately, I am forgiving myself. I have been holding that whole Burlesque thing against me ALL THIS TIME. Holding on to that grudge against myself has rendered me weak. Letting it go brought instant power.


  1. I am so happy to see that you are continuing and that you haven't given in. This really is one of the most difficult aspects of repentance, one that I struggle with all the time. I am humbled by your dedication and example of faith that you demonstrate by your continued efforts.

  2. Oh, but Ben, I have given in. Regardless, I thank you for your kind words, and am happy to see your return!
    I hope you're well. And may God grant you grace and power to push through whatever demons are now in your way.


Tell it like it is!