Friday, January 24, 2014

The Answer to Everything

One of my life's joys is my church calling. I'm the Primary Music Leader. Oh my goodness! It's like playing at church! I don't know if loving your calling this much is allowed. I love being in Primary. I feel I belong there.

Children are inspiring. When I grow up, I want to be just like a little child. Humble and forgiving and loving and open and daring and honest. Oh, and hilarious and adorable. Every week, I crack up at something hilarious a primary kid says.

Sunbeams (3-4 year olds) are particularly delightful. I love how they always answer "JESUS!" to every question. Someone may hold up a picture of Samuel the Lamanite and ask, "Who's this?" and some Sunbeam will invariably declare, with unbridled, confident enthusiasm, "Jesus!" Maybe a teacher will read a scripture verse, perhaps about the Word of Wisdom and ask, "what was the scripture about?" And a Sunbeam will eagerly and knowingly respond, "Jesus!" Perhaps I will ask "What is this song about?" after going over it a few times, and maybe it's "Follow the Prophet," and a Sunbeam will jump out of his or her chair and happily proclaim, "Jeeeesus!"

At first I would giggle inwardly and calmly correct the child. But, it came to me recently that these little Sunbeams are onto something:

Jesus is the answer to everything. 


Tell it like it is!