Saturday, August 10, 2013

From Satan, After a Slip

*please read this in conjunction with From Jesus, After a Slip, and please read this one first.

Well aren't you stupid. You did it again! HA! I can't believe you did it again! Well, of course I can believe it, but it came as a surprise to you, didn't it? You underestimate my power, and when you do, I have more. Keep thinking that I can't beat you. Keep thinking that you are more powerful than I am. I know you will keep thinking that because I will keep telling you that. You always believe me, you fool.

You are mine. I have you now. You were never God's anyway. You have always been mine and you are mine and you will always be mine. I know you hear hope calling after you. It's a lie. Flick it away. You cannot be saved, not after this! If you think you can be saved after what you just did, think again. Think, Stephanie. Do you feel worthy of hope? No? Of course not. Because you aren't.

Stop thinking about God. Where was he in all of this? He could have saved you; could have stopped you. I guess he wanted you to be miserable or else he would have stopped it from happening. Give him no credit. He wasn't even there.

You are ugly. Beautiful people don't behave this way.
You are evil. Good people don't behave this way.
You are hopeless. Hope is for the righteous.
You are trapped. There is no freedom for the likes of you.
You are stupid. Smart people don't behave this way.
You're a whore.
You're a slut.
You may as well be dead.
You may as well die.
It would be better if you were dead because then you wouldn't keep doing this.
You're going to be this way your whole life.
Why try? You'll only fail again. That's what you do- fail.
This is who you are.
You've already done this much, you may as well continue.
You already make worse choices than everyone else, go have some fun. Drink some. Take some drugs. It'll be okay. Not worse than what you've already done anyway.

You're the stupidest person I know. You have all this light and knowledge and sin against it anyway. You have everything you need and how do you show your gratitude? By sinning! HAHA. Nice, Stephanie. You hate Jesus. You hate God. You hate your children. You hate yourself, but you already knew that. This is who you are. This is your destiny. This moment defines you wholly.

You thought that because you were making better choices, you would be free of addiction? You fool! Choices don't eliminate me. I am always here. I am always following. Make no mistake, I will have you forever.


  1. Stephanie - you hit the nail on the head exactly. This is EXACTLY how he makes us feel !!!

  2. How is it that this text seems all the more familiar to me? Seriously, word for word, you are so right.


Tell it like it is!