Thursday, December 27, 2012

To my New Friends

Dear Sidreis (of By The Light of Grace), Dan W, Warrior, (of Battle Log of a Nephite Warrior), Dust (Of the Dust), and everyone else who has been commenting on my posts,

Your support is invaluable. I feel buoyed by you! Thank you for taking the time out to comment on my posts, to read my posts, to pray for me, to send me emails of encouragement. I'm so grateful I found Sidreis's blog several weeks ago. I don't remember how I stumbled on it, but it has yielded blessings in the form of supporters-- you! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for your love and friendship.

Most sincerely,


  1. Nah, Erin. It is you that has blessed my life today. SO much! Sidreis has blessed me, too. This fellowship has been incredible! I'm really beginning to have hope and believe I can do it! It doesn't feel like I'm gonna die if I never A/O again! Let's keep this up! Luv ya, Erin!

  2. Awww thanks! I feel the same way. I love having my little network of bloggers. It's so important to me. Me, who swore she'd never blog and eye rolled plenty at the idea. Now, I love it! And I love YOU!

  3. Hey thanks, Erin. We do care about you alot. i have come to care deeply for all struggling addicts. This is so tough. blogging is just one more little avenue to get our thoughts/feelings out. There is something therapeutic about it. i have learned alot from you all as well. this addiction requires so much learning and growth. i hope you and the kids had a superb Christmas!

  4. Aw, that's me in your post! (I know this is late commenting, I did read this a few days ago) Thanks Erin. I like you a lot! Seriously. :)


Tell it like it is!