Saturday, December 1, 2012

All My Addictions

I have several addictions. To name a few:

external validation
control (most ironically)

which is what I'm doing now. Right now. Running away. I'm only blogging because I have a ton of work to do. I don't even know where to start. Organization is not one of my talents. I don't think I've ever met anyone less organized than I am, and I'm not exaggerating about that. I can't think of where stuff should go, or in what order my thoughts should be... It's very overwhelming. I never know which important thing I should do first, so I freak out and do something like this, something unimportant (or, rather, something less urgent), and something that keeps me further away from accomplishing the things that I need to accomplish.

Maybe that makes sense to someone, but it makes no sense to me!! I don't know why I'm like that. Why won't I just face it?

It's so hard to un-train yourself. For decades, I have been scattered and unorganized. When I was in grade school, I'd ride my bike to my friend's houses but walk home, because I'd forgotten I rode my bike. Or, I'd walk to their houses with shoes, and walk home without shoes, because I had taken them off sometime and forgot that I had worn them. I'm all over the place, and I have been my whole life. I've always been untidy, unorganized and unusually forgetful. I was diagnosed with ADD just this year, but I don't want that to be an excuse for addiction. I have no idea what to do with that information, though, or if it's even factual. Maybe I'm simply forgetful and unorganized.

At any rate, organization is monumentally difficult for me. And it seems that I must be organized to conquer any of my addictions. If I could somehow acquire organization, many of my problems would be solved! I could manage my money better, I could remember to pay my bills on time (holy cow), I could make and stick to a schedule, I could abide lists, my house would be clean!

I wonder if Ether 12:27 could apply to organization. Being unorganized could be a weakness, right? Or is it a personality trait? I don't know. Well, if it's a personality trait, it's a weak one, heh. So maybe, just maybe, my Father in Heaven can make this weakness a strength. The idea of me being an organized and focused person seems so outlandish! Yet, it is something I would really like for myself.

Only, I don't want to wait. I want to be organized tomorrow.

Sigh. Okay. Well, I'm going to try to see if Heavenly Father will help me become organized. I am going to try to let Him help me on His time, and try to remember that He can't flip a switch, and that I have to work on it, too.

And now, I'm going to quiet my addict, and face my tasks which are growing by the minute.

Tomorrow is the Sabbath! Oh, sweet day of rest and love.


  1. I have no doubt that not only can he help you be more organized, but that he will:-) But you must supply the trust patience in order for it to work.

    I also have a challenge for you. To replace that pesky word "try" with working word "strive.":-)

  2. I will try-- er, strive!-- to do that! ;)

    Thanks for your encouragement!

  3. hey Erin, just wanted to post something short. I found this blog via Sidreis's. So many blogs out there. I read through a few of your posts. Sounds like you've been through some tough times. haven't we all!! I struggle with being a bit cluttered. I am super focused at things i enjoy and I organize my days well, but it terms of keeping a room clean...forget it.

    I'm also doing a step 4. it's amazing to realize all the things we are ACTUALLY addicted to. Sex, porn, masturbation are just the icing on the cake. It is so good for us to come to terms with all the other things. And 99% of them are non-sexual. Go figure. And good luck

  4. thank you, fellow Warrior! It's helpful to be supported by others who know what it's like to be where I am.

  5. So, do you make your bed, Erin? If not, start there. It's done wonders for me! And now for a reality check. I have found your blog to be VERY organized and well written. You are clearly very intelligent and articulate. Remember that not all of the truths about you are bad, in fact I would guess that they are heavily weighted toward the good. Someday you are going to wake up and realize that your walk through Gethsemane has been worth it, and that your Savior is going to make up the difference. You are awesome, Erin!


Tell it like it is!