Friday, November 30, 2012

Listening to the Spirit

Last time I talked to my bishop, he told me that the Spirit will always give a warning before temptation takes over. This is something I had never before honestly considered. He challenged me to try to recognize the warnings of the Spirit.

It certainly didn't seem like I could have been warned every time. But maybe I just wasn't paying attention.

So, the last time I acted out, the day went something like this:

Super stress at work. I have this huge project I'm working on, and it just has to be perfect, and it has to be perfect by next Tuesday. This is the first time I've ever done anything like this and I feel a lot like a fish out of water who's expected to breathe air. Anyway, it's stressful. That day was particularly stressful because it's crunch time.

On my lunch break, I had this formless thought that caused me to wonder if I may be tempted more than normal that night. And then, the formed thought: "this is your warning."

Oh. Wow. Okay, so maybe I was being warned by the Spirit. Well,I thought, don't worry, I'll be fine.

When I got home, I remembered I didn't read my scriptures that morning. So I read something real quick. I fed the kids and put them to bed. At 8:00, I was almost falling asleep. I was so tired. I remembered that tiredness is a trigger, and maybe I should go to bed, but I thought, don't worry I'll be fine. I get to sleep in tomorrow, and I don't want to go to bed early when I get to sleep in.

Seriously, Erin??!

Suddenly, I felt lonely. Loneliness is becoming more and more frequent these days. I want to be married. Loneliness is becoming a trigger these days, and I remembered that. But I said to myself I'll be fine.

Well I watched a Lifetime movie. I could tell where my mind/desires were going. I had a short internal battle, but when I'm that tired, I don't fight well. I figured I should go to bed. Part of me said, "no, I'll be okay," and another part said, "no, I want this tonight! I need it." After that movie, I decided to watch another one! The movies didn't have inappropriate scenes. I had hoped they would, I admit.

Remember how I destroyed my iPhone in March? I got a new smart phone last month. I thought I was ready, and I knew I'd install a filter the second I got it. I did. Net Nanny. It costs, but I like it better than K9 for my computer, so I thought I'd buy another subscription for my phone. And it's awesome. Except that if I download a browser besides the one it comes with, Google, it doesn't recognize it, and I can have full internet access. There's GOT to be a way around this.

Anyway. I can't watch videos on my phone, so I settle for other forms of pornography. And, when the 2nd movie was almost over, I began browsing.

And the rest is history.

So my bishop was right. The Spirit warns. Next time, instead of thinking "Oh, I'll be okay," I'll think up a plan. I will trust that Voice. I will believe that Voice. I'll set a plan for the rest of the day into place and ask God to help me with it.

It's so hard to think I'll be in that spot, though, when I'm so not in that spot. I just need to trust the warnings!

Sometimes I get frustrated with how long it takes me to learn stuff.


  1. And next time you'll reach out for help and tell them what is going on...

    "Hey, I'm having a really stressful day which is usually a trigger for me. I may fall in to justifying and rationalizing. I'm not strong enough to do this on my own so I want to add a level of accountability by telling you what's going on with me."...

    It helps. I PROMISE!

    And excellent recognizing the cycle. BRAVO!

    1. yes, next time I'll reach out for help. Thank you, ma'am!

  2. AMEN! I get frustrated with myself too. I lie to myself all the time, and I'm beginning to recognize that when I say certain things to myself, I mean the exact opposite.
    "I'll be fine." Really means, "I AM EXTREMELY CLOSE TO GOING OFF THE DEEP END!"
    "Was that bad?"-Really means-"That was bad."
    and of course:
    "Is this something I should tell my wife about?"
    -Really Means- "I better tell my wife."
    Its better to be safe than sorry. If I question whether I read enough scriptures, then I should probably read more, just to be sure. I constantly need to remind myself that, just like some drug addict that lies to everyone around them to get what they desperately "NEED", I do the same thing to myself. I WANT to mess up, so I will always try to make myself mess up, or make things seem like they aren't a big deal or they're too much of a big deal.
    In end, don't trust yourself. Ha. Easier said than done I know.

    1. Anoni, you are so right! Thank you for adding some perspective!! My thoughts of "I'll be just fine" should be warning enough! I do need to start seeing that thought as a lie, or a cover, or something. Thank you. It's a great tip.

  3. I've been calling my sponsor nearly every day. It's working! You are getting better at dusting yourself off. I am almost up to the current date. It's been amazing seeing your progress, Erin!

  4. thank you for reading, and your support along the way.


Tell it like it is!