Tuesday, April 23, 2013


It's time to list some of this past week's tender mercies!

I have discovered a new kind of tender mercy, and that is other people's tender mercies. When I hear about miracles in other people's lives, I feel blessed. I am then reminded that God looks out for all of us, and I am amazed that He takes the time to give us tender mercies. People around me have been sharing their blessings, and I have been lifted by that.

I'll tell you my favorite tender mercy of the week. I'm a music teacher at an elementary school. I have one 1st grade class that just seems to hate music. What 6/7 year old hates music??!?! This class has been a challenge for me all year. They can never seem to get into the songs we're learning for our fast approaching Spring Concert. They are not as enthusiastic as the other classes in music. They don't listen to me. They never seem to want to sing, and the class just has this stuffy, muggy, dark feeling. It's the strangest thing. Well, because of this, they're behind in learning the songs. I was wondering how I could help them learn and so I prayed. "Heavenly Father, it's a detail in my life that doesn't have eternal consequences, I know. But, Mrs. _____'s first grade class doesn't like music, and it's always a chore to get through. Wilt thou help me to find a way to teach them so they'll want to learn? Please bless that they will enjoy this week's class."

I decided to reward them with candy if they did a good job. I have done similar things in the past. Nothing has worked. Well, when they came to class, I was excited. I believed God would come through for me. But, I never imagined it would have been as amazing at it was.

Not only did they pay attention, but they tried, really tried to learn the music. They were invested. They were enthusiastic about singing, as 1st graders should be! They sang like I have never heard them sing before. They almost fully caught up with the other 1st grade classes in that one day. It was beautiful. As they were singing their sweet little hearts out, I was humbled, so humbled, knowing that God sees the little things. He cares about me enough to care about what is important to me, even when it won't matter in the Eternities. I almost wept as those sweet kids belted "Tomorrow" (from Annie) as though they loved the song. I know it wasn't just my bribe of a sweet reward. It was my faithful petition to God to help with a little first grade class in Small Town, Idaho. Why would He do that for me? Why would He care about that? Why else but that He loves me so much, and wants me to be happy? He keeps His promises. He answers prayers. It was amazing.

Later last week, my sweet 9 year old, 3rd grade daughter cheated on her homework. Let me explain something about her: she is very intelligent. She is in the Gifted and Talented program, and just today scored at about a 9th grade level on a standardized state Language test. She didn't need to cheat. But she didn't finish her homework before it was due, so she decided she'd simply take the answers from her friend's completed homework sheets so she wouldn't have to do the work herself, or miss out on a grade. Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed, and a little surprised. We handled it and I am nearly certain she'll never do it again. Anyway, she was very upset when I found out. Crying and crying and crying, poor girl. I believe she was truly remorseful and does understand the gravity of her poor choice. On the way home from school (she is a student where I work), she continued to weep. I asked her if she knew that I loved her just the same as before. She said yes. I assured her that there is nothing she could ever do that would make me stop loving her.

When I told her that, the Spirit reminded me that my Father feels the same about me. I will never be separated from His love. And that was a tender and merciful reminder.

We had stake conference -- well, actually, it was a conference for all of Western Idaho and Robert D Hales was our main speaker, broadcasted from Salt Lake. It was pretty cool. I asked for God to reveal to me at stake conference an answer to a problem I faced. I chose to believe that He would. And He did.

He has been strengthening me daily. I have felt His presence all week; I know He's there. I look back and remember times when I didn't feel Him. Some of those times were because I was deep in sin, but not always. I'm so very grateful that now is not a time when I have to go without feeling the Spirit with me. I am learning to cherish that Spirit and I never want it to go again. I must do everything in my power to keep it with me!

Another tender mercy is I probably have one more piano student this week! I haven't worked out all the details with his mother, but it sounds like a go. GOD IS SO GOOD!

Another tender mercy is I was given strength to say no to Pepsi. For real. Right now, I'm at 17 days Pepsi-free! On Sunday, I found a bottle of Pepsi in my fridge, hiding under a bag of shredded cheese. When I saw it, I gasped! My first emotion was like "OH NO! Get this vile thing out my house!" but less than a second after, it was "OH YAY! I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE THIS! I'll wait till the kids are in bed." It was just going to be one last time; one time couldn't hurt; I'm not hurting anyone anyway; it's just a Pepsi, not porn; this will be my last one for sure; I already bought it, I may as well not waste it; and etc. With the help of a tender mercy in the form of wise friends and a hard-working conscience, I dumped that sucker down the drain. I didn't drink a drop.

I know it's not the same thing, but that experience has honestly made me think that if I can say no to Pepsi that is in my fridge, I can do anything. I understand that porn and masturbation are bigger problems, but still.... it's an addiction. And I won a battle, which brought me a ton closer to winning the war.

I love how God is in the details of our lives. I love how He loves me and wants to bless me. I love you all! Thank you so much for reading.


  1. OMG! I love EVERYTHING about this post. I had a constant stream of chills as I read it and was in awe at your faith!!! Seriously!

    And God is so so good! He is really looking out for us, even in the little details of our lives and that is a way we are really able to see His love. He care so much about us each individually. Thank you for your sweet testimony about that.

    Love you so much lady! I'm so blessed to know you and learn from you!!

  2. awesome! lose that Pepsi! And go get some vitamin water. I've been soda free for a while now. silly addictions always meddling in our lives....

  3. I REALLY love the music tender mercy. I cried! What a wonderful blessing that was... and music brings and invites the Spirit. LOve this post. Thank you for helping increase my own gratitude!


Tell it like it is!