Sunday, April 14, 2013

More Than I Can Handle

You know that phrase that is popular in the church, something like "The Lord won't give you more than you can handle?" There are other variations- "The Lord won't give you heavier burdens than what you can bear." "We aren't given anything we can't bear." "The Lord won't give you more trials than you're able to handle." I don't know if this is from a scripture or not. I know the scripture about always being given a way out of a temptation, which is similar. You know, this one:

"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."
1 Corinthians 10:13

But that, while important, is different than the idiom of not having trials too big to bear. And I have taken issue with it. I have been in the midst of trials that seem much too big for me, and I have cried out "I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE! I cannot bear this burden. It is too heavy." and I really believed that at the time, and I tell you what, if anyone told me "Don't worry, God doesn't give you more than you can handle" in such moments, I would have had to resist urges of violence. It implies that every trial I encounter, I encounter because I am strong enough for it, so if I feel too weak, then there must be something terribly wrong with me.

After some thought, I have decided that I disagree. Before my ex left me for another woman, I did not have the strength to bear the pain of that betrayal. Before I was a single mom, I did not have the strength to be one. No, strength came through God's grace, and because of the circumstances at hand. For two years, sometime following my divorce, I faced extreme financial hardships. For two years straight. I also faced other extreme hardships in that timeframe, including a very expensive and exhausting custody battle of sorts. It was a most trying time and I did not endure it well, and I was not strong enough to endure it at all. I succumbed to a dark depression and it's possible that the antidepressants I finally surrendered to saved my life. Every morning, I woke to thoughts of ways to end my life. Like the thoughts were there, just waiting for me to wake up so I would think them. And I was not strong enough.

However. I did survive. I did make it through. Is that what it means, that if you make it through this trial alive, you're strong enough to bear it? So what people really mean is "If you don't die in this trial, it's because God kept His word and didn't give you more than you can handle?" So, does "more than you can handle" really mean "unto death?" Don't worry, God won't try you unto death. Yeah, that's comforting. And I don't think that's what people mean when they say it anyway. They mean that we're strong enough to hopefully bear all things that come our way. And even though I wasn't strong enough to bear some of my trials with cheer or any degree of relief or more than just a little bit of dim hope, I did make it through. The trials ended. And I now look back on them with great fondness. I cherish those horrible experiences!

I thank God now for those trials because of how they broke me down and humbled me and taught me that He will take care of me no matter what. They taught me that I can trust Him. But, though I am grateful for the trials, for all trials of my past and present, though I see reason and wisdom in them, I still think that I wasn't strong enough to bear them . . . alone. Indeed, without God, I would not have made it through them with my faith intact.

And so, I think the phrase begs for modification. The Lord will not permit any trial to overcome us that we cannot bear without Him.

Trust. Surrender. Faith and hope. That two year trial I had taught me to trust. I still have trust issues, particularly with my addiction! But now when a trial of circumstance comes upon me, I remind myself that God sees me, knows me, hears me, and will carry me through if I let Him. And so I hand over the controls and believe with all my heart that this trial won't last forever, that it, too, will pass, and that I needn't worry or fear, not even for a moment.

So, Stephanie, apply that to this addiction! This doesn't have to be a life sentence. I can trust God and conquer! I made some very specific promises to my Father today during the Sacrament and I intend to keep them. It's strange because I know I can't keep them without His help. I need Him to help me keep the promises I made Him! It doesn't seem very fair, but I know that He knows I need Him, and that He is standing by waiting for me to ask.

This addiction is too big for me. It is more than I can handle. Way more. I cannot bear it alone, but I don't have to.

D&C 58:4- For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand.

"While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude." Joseph B Wirthlin

"Every man and woman who serves the Lord, no matter how faithful they may be, have their dark hours; but if they have lived faithfully, light will burst upon them and relief will be furnished." Lorenzo Snow


OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe what I just did! I copy-and-pasted this very post onto my personal non-addiction-life blog. I edited it so that it didn't say a word about my addiction. Then I published it. But it didn't publish. Wordpress was being really weird. So I went to find the post, and found it in my drafts, and then I published it. Only, it was the original copy-and-paste, and totally said exactly what this post says about my addiction and I didn't catch it till three people had already commented on it and now I kinda want to die especially since one of the people who read it is this guy I've had a crush on forever. Are you kidding me?!

I am laughing at myself because this is funny. I'm also crying. AAAAAaaagggghhhhahahahaha!


  1. This post is so true. And I am sorry that this posted in both places.

  2. holy MORTIFYING!!! I would seriously die! Although, I wonder sometimes if it would just be a relief to have it out there so that I didn't have to act 'fake' in front of others and the ones who didn't want to be my friends would fall away and at least I'd know.... hmm.

    But i did like so many parts of this post, as I told you already. I did cry a little as I was reading about your testimony of not being able to do it alone... but we don't have to. AND THANK THE LORD FOR THAT!!! Because I CAN'T DO IT ALONE either!

    You are amazing and I love ya!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What a beautiful post and understanding of grace. I really like your modification and am considering now reposting it on my blog. Beautiful

  5. Stephanie are you serious about the bad post?!?! I would die. I have done that with texts and it almost cost me my job.

    But about the post, I have been feeling the same thing lately. I am convinced that God 'gave/allowed' this addiction to teach me completely powerlessness. He gives us enough to bury us until we give up and go to Him. (kinda rigged, but we learn...)

  6. Great post! I came across this quote a while ago...."God doesn't give us what we CAN handle, He helps us handle what we are given."

  7. Ohhh mAN!! That is totally something I would do!! I had a similar OH CRAP moment once... another time on that one though.

    I think what you talked about is 100% sound. And I don't think it means we bear things happily... I think it means, we bear things with determination and fortitude, without sinning, and we come out the other side stronger and with more knowledge. I don't think the Savior bore the Garden or the cross happily, but he did it with determination and fortitude ... basically he was obedient and full of surrender, and so is asked of each of us.

    Man I love this post.

  8. OH MY GOODNESS lol!!!!! that totally happened to me once, I accidentally posted one of my addiction posts on the wrong blog that over 50 people were subscribed to! But strangely enough, not everyone got that post in their email inboxes... weird?

    Anyway, I love you. You inspire me. Thanks for your deep lovely thoughts. This is one of those things that seems to be hard to really learn internally and apply. It's like we have to go through it over and over because we still don't figure it out. That or we've got it down so good that HF feels like He might as well keep those trials coming so we can just keep getting better and better. ;)

    You're awesome.

  9. Now that it's been so long I wonder if any of you will even check back to see if I've done the polite thing yet and replied to your awesome awesome comments. :) Oh well, I'll do it anyway.

    Anon- thanks!

    Amy- haha yes it was embarrassing. Thanks for being there for me right away when I needed to vent about it! And I do intend to eventually stop hiding this part of me, but it wasn't the time just yet! haha.

    Seattle- thank you. Your comments always touch me because you seem to be so sincere. Sincerity is a powerful recovery tool! You're awesome.

    Warrior- yes, totally serious! It was a momentary nightmare.

    Jen- yep. I love that. So true. Thank you for reading.

    Sidreis- thanks for your validation! You're right about the happy part. I meant to change "happily" to "hopefully," which I think I'll do here shortly.

    Dust- oh no! I'm so glad your experience wasn't as bad as it could have been! And I think He does allow things to plague us over and over because we still have so much to learn from them. Love you too!


Tell it like it is!