Monday, April 7, 2014

Nothing of Value

I haven't blogged in so long. I feel like I have nothing of value to contribute. Blogging is dying. No one reads blogs anymore, not like they used to. Sex addiction isn't a novelty anymore, not even among women. So many recovery blogs all over, all written by women who are further in recovery than I am, or smarter than I am, or more eloquent, or just plain better, you know?

and if my blog can't help anyone, then what's the point?

I know I sound all self-abusive, but I'm not so sure that's it. I want to help people. I want to reach women who don't already know they're not alone. I want to feel like I'm making a difference, and I'm not so sure that continuing to blog will make a difference.

But, today, I was reading some of my own posts, and learning from them. If I can help myself, then that should be good enough.

I have been struggling with things I haven't yet identified. I know I'm struggling because some of my addictions have really taken control. I have been doing alright as far as my sexual addictions go, so, hooray, right? In fact, I think I'll go to the temple tomorrow, for the first time in a few months.

Six weeks of abstinence doesn't feel like progress anymore. But, for the first time since sometime last year, I actually want to go to the temple! That is progress. The temple had ceased to be motivating. Probably because I had ceased to really believe.

On that, I do feel like I'm back. I feel like I'm still recovering from my season of doubt. I feel like it did a huge number on my soul. I'm happy to have my testimony back, and stronger than it used to be. I do love this church and this gospel! Wasn't General Conference so inspiring? I love being a member of the Church in this time. I love being a woman in the Church in this time. It's a wonderful time to be alive, and a terrifying time to be alive.

This post is ridiculous! I think I just want to get back into the habit of posting, because, honestly, it does help me, and I'm worthy of help.


  1. Here's a comment from an anonymous reader. I represent others who read your blog and feel uplifted, even if I don't always comment. Thank you--just being you can help people!

  2. So many of your posts have helped me. YOU in real life have and DO help me daily!!! Tonight when I thought you were asleep and really needed to vent I said (out loud in my car) "don't be asleep Stephanie!!! I need you!" YOU make a big difference to me and your blog is read and loved. Keep working. Love you so much lady!!!

  3. I sometimes share your sentiment in the last paragraph (this post is ridiculous!) when I'm writing. But you're right. You're worthy of help. And like the anonymous commentor above, a lot of us receive strength from what you right, even if we don't always comment.

    Don't stop blogging!

  4. I love reading your blog! I don't have a sexual addiction so your blog doesn't help me in that way, but it does help me understand those who do. And I think that's very important too. People with these kinds of addiction need people around them who can at least somewhat understand where they're coming from and support them with compassion and love. And you're definitely helping with that. :)

  5. all four of you made my day! thank you!


Tell it like it is!