Friday, December 3, 2010


extra stress + extra weariness + spiritual carelessness + habitual force = fail.

Failure = discouragement = self-abhorrence = depression.

Depression = failure.

1 comment:

  1. Failure is only if you quit trying. Stop focusing on the negative, stop worrying so much about falling again. If you keep thinking about it, it's more likely to happen, stop dwelling on the problem, and start focusing on things that make you happy. I know it's hard, that's repentance for you, but God doesn't browbeat, He doesn't discourage, He doesn't attack us. We do that, and that's what you're doing right now. You know that what you are doing is wrong, but you are on the right track to getting out of it. Satan would drag you down by having you focus on the idea that you're not good enough to repent, that you just keep doing it again, so why even bother? Stop those thoughts dead, stop thinking that "I messed up again, I must be a worthless whore" do you really think that God can love you entirely and be willing to do the things that He has done for you if He really thought that you were such a thing? It is impossible for Him to see you as His child, and worthless at the same time. Even if your child were to completely throw everything in your face, scream at you that he or she never wanted to see you again, even slapped or punched you to the ground and stormed out of the house, wouldn't you still love them? If you then, being mortal, corrupt, and imperfect, can still see the love for your child even if they were to completely depart from you and despise you, how much more does Heavenly Father, who is perfect, infallible, and all-seeing, love you, a wonderful daughter who is trying to claw her way out of the pit that she is in? Stop thinking that you are worthless, stop thinking that God is about ready to give up on you, He is never to that point unless you stop looking towards Him. While you may stumble, while you may fall, He is still there to catch you and get you headed back in the right direction so long as you don't stop trying to do the right thing. You may be failing now, but He is patient. But you have to forgive yourself for these mistakes, and stop dwelling on them in order to move forward. You are worthy of forgiveness, and you will receive it if you just keep trying and stop thinking so negatively about yourself.


Tell it like it is!