Sunday, May 19, 2013


A song, for your enjoyment:

Today, while at my biweekly appointment with my bishop, we talked about the temple. Know what he said?

TWO WEEKS! Two weeks from today, I get to have a temple recommend interview!

That means the next two weeks may be challenging. That means that Satan will likely pull out all the stops. If you're so inclined, I ask for your prayers.

But, as I have learned these past months, Satan is powerful, but only insofar as I give him power. Satan is tricky and clever and merciless. But God (who is my Father, by the way), is wise and merciful. And as long as I am walking with Him, I will be safe! I have nothing to fear but losing faith. And... I don't see that happening. I will continue to do all the things I need to do. I will continue to pray and hope and believe. And in two weeks, I will have a recommend signed by my bishop. I hope. I hope.

God is good. The temple will give me strength. I'll go every week, I think, when I have a recommend. Thursdays, in the morning. Yeah.


  1. YAY! I remember my first time back at the temple! It was so wonderful! One thing that helped me when I was feeling tempted was remembering WHAT I am getting as a reward! It's kind of like in Step 1 where you list what you stand to lose. I try to do that when I'm triggering or tempted. Yes, giving in is tempting, but what do I get if I stay strong! Remember, the war is already won! :) Satan's already lost. -Stacey

    1. Thanks, Stacey! Yep, I'm working very hard to remember always to walk in Jesus' footsteps. As long as I do that, I will be safe.

  2. I am so proud of you Stephanie. You are working so hard and I am so happy for you!!! Stay close to the Lord and reach out lots. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Congrats!!!

  3. Friggin YES!! Love it! You are amazing. Stephanie Warrior Princess. I love you my friend. Can't wait to attend the house of white with you:-)

    1. Um, lady, I'm a warrior QUEEN. ;) Love you too! It would be amazing going to the temple with you!


Tell it like it is!