Thursday, May 2, 2013

New Facebook Page

Hey, ya'll, I have wanted to create a Facebook "fan page" for a while, to talk about things that inspire and encourage me, and to maybe encounter other women who are further in recovery than I am, and to maybe help others who are struggling as I so recently was. I didn't use my actual FB profile to create it, because I'm not ready to have all my FB friends see that I've created this page just yet. I don't want it to be linked to my name, is what I'm trying to say.

A long time ago, I created a fake FB profile kinda for this same reason, but it didn't work out. So today I resurrected that FB account and used it to create a page for my blog, for my story of recovery.

I invite you to "like" it. Find it here:

Thank you!


  1. Make sure to get a FB widget to put a like button on your blog!

    Also - I figured out how to fix your comments... like, how your blog receives comments, so it's not a pop up window:

    1. Go into your dashboard
    2. Click on 'settings'
    3. Click on "Posts and comments'
    4. Under "Comment Location" use the drop down and select "Embedded"

    That allows those leaving comments to comment at the bottom of the post rather than in a pop up window.

    1. YOU FIXED IT! Thank you. :) And GREAT suggestion about the widget. I am having so many problems with Blogger. I think I have it set up all wrong. When I visit you this Summer, maybe you can help me figure out what I've done wrong!

      Thanks again.

    2. Sure! I'd be happy to:-))

      Or, when I visit there in August!;-)


Tell it like it is!