Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This is Your Addict Speaking

Hello, Stephanie,

It's me, your addict. You know, the crazy screaming force in your mental basement? The one you've been starving these past few months? Yeah, that's me.

That guy- he's reeeally cute. I got you to talk to him on Facebook. I'm not as dead and shriveled as you thought. I laughed when you believed my lie, "there's no harm in making new friends." YOU ARE DUMB. He gave you his number. Call him. Just do it. Believe me, nothing bad can come of it. He lives too far away for anything to happen. What's the worst that can happen? Nothing. You'll just have a new friend.

I'm clever. I'm still warm. I'm not dead. I am not dead.


  1. Little does little miss addict know that she WILL die at some point. soon. says so. in step 6. she won't be there bugging you forever :)
    STAY STRONG! The spirit is stronger than the flesh. That's why when you die, your spirit lives on and your flesh gets eaten by bugs. and worms. ew. :)

    1. Welll.... on that note. I've worked Step 6 time and time over and my addict is still very warm. Always be on your guard!

    2. I don't mean to imply that just by working step 6 it will die... I mean that IN step 6 it says that it will... eventually. It's hopeful :) Definitely keeping my guard up. always!

  2. Follow the Spirit my friend:-) Love you!

  3. I love addict speaking posts.... Actually I seem to like ALL your posts.


Tell it like it is!