Sunday, January 13, 2013

And Another Thing; This is Hard

I know, I know, two posts in one day. Erin overload!

I just wanted to point out that every single day is a challenge. I am certainly trying to make my blog posts more positive, but, I need you to know, every single day, I am tempted. Every day. Probably every hour. This is hard. The Enemy's trumpets are sounding in my ear all the time. That hasn't changed, yet. I anticipate that it will. Oh, how I hope that it will.

It doesn't matter where I am, or what time of day it is, something from a lifestyle I am desperately seeking to overcome, shouts at me!

Erin, look over here!
Erin, come play over here!
Erin, do this! Just once. Just once more.
Erin, give in.
Read this questionable article.
Watch this inappropriate scene.
Think about it.
Erin! Kiss him!
Erin! Look at that picture!

It's everywhere. The thoughts come everywhere. At work, home, in the car, at the blasted grocery store. Church. It's all over the place.

You guys, this is hard.

But I'm doing it. I remember a time when I was participating in a work-out program sponsored by my employer. It was hard. I was doing things I'd never done before. The trainer was having us wall-sit. FOREVER. It felt like an hour had passed and I was exerting all my strength and getting so upset that she wasn't saying "Okay, stop!" and while I was in that position, dying, I grunted, "I . . . can't . . . do it." The trainer giggled and said, "Of course you can! You are doing it!"

It was hard, but I was doing it.

This is hard, but I'm doing it. I'm gaining strength every day! I'm picking up hope and love every hour. And so, while it certainly feels like the buffetings of the Evil One have not really lessened, I feel much more equipped to handle his fiery darts. I don't feel fully equipped. I don't feel strong enough to stand on my own; shoot, I don't even feel strong enough to stand. I'm being lifted by my remarkable new support system. But I do feel like I can make it another day, notwithstanding the countless temptations, the calls to evil, the pleas of my withering addict.

This is hard. Make no mistake; this is hard.


  1. But, you're doing it! Go, Erin!

  2. You are doing it! But yes, this is hard. Bloody freakin hard. (that's as strong as I can say it without writing swear words.) Day at a time. Easy does it. Let Go, let god. (These are SA sayings...NOT MINE!)

    1. thank you! It IS bloody freakin hard! It's GOT to get easier soon, right?

  3. Can I say "ditto"?!?! This post was perfectly stated: This is hard! However, you said it: You are doing it! Take a minute, pause, and reflect on your successes & TENDER MERCIES! You have many of them. Hang in have many supporters & friends who believe in you!

    1. thank you, Charisse! You're so right. The Lord's tender mercies are all around me in marvelous abundance. Thank you for that reminder.


Tell it like it is!