Saturday, January 5, 2013


Before I get on with tonight's post, let me explain last night's. I hope not too many people saw it! I posted a Youtube video of a song that I wrote called Carry Me, Lord. I had made a little video with pictures of Jesus to go along with it. My face was never in the video, but today, I realized that the video shows my real name. So I took the post down.

Moving on:

In the past, I haven't been very good at sacrifice. I haven't sacrificed much in my life. I haven't sacrificed much in order to eliminate this addiction. I feel like sacrifice is essential to addiction recovery. Without sacrifice, there will be no recovery!

I asked God to help me sacrifice. I asked Him to give me an opportunity to sacrifice, and the courage to carry it out. Of course that prayer was answered. This was last month.

The scriptures make it very clear that this exact sacrifice that I feel I gave has immense blessings attached. I know that God doesn't work on a clock, but I do. Maybe I'm totally blind to the blessings around me. Maybe I just can't see what He's done. Maybe I'm expecting too much. As I perceive it, my need is great, and my need is urgent.

I'm upset because I can see that if I didn't make that sacrifice, I'd be much better off than I am now. That is my finite, mortal perception. I am probably wrong.

I shouldn't be upset. This is only a moment. It feels bigger than it really is because it's right here, right now. I wonder how long I have to sweat it out before I realize the blessing.

Sigh. I'm being so greedy. I have everything I need! I'm freaking out about tomorrow, but I do not know what tomorrow holds. As of right now, I have everything I need and I have lost nothing, even though I gave up what I felt like was everything. I still have everything! Today, I have sufficient for my needs, and I am fine. I need to let tomorrow take care of itself.

Matthew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Alright. Faithfully forward. Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of Heaven. They'll come. They're here.

21 Days today. :)


  1. A saying I often say to myself is "worry about today and tomorrow. Just that. After that, you could get hit by a bus and it would be a total waste of energy to worry about it... so just today and tomorrow. That's it."


    So - has the Lord answered your prayer yet?:-)

    1. Good advice, Sidreis! And... let's put it this way. I have not noticed an answer yet, but it's possible it's in front of me. If not, I know it's coming!


Tell it like it is!